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Publications on Recovery Cat

Our product is based on established scientifically proven principles and we continually conduct studies to examine the tools we develop. Below we summarize the studies and link to the original papers for further reading.


(Wiegmann et al., 2023) Sage Digital Health

User-centered development study and study protocol of a multicenter controlled trial

In this article, we describe the development process of Recovery Cat according to the principles of user-centered design. The following development steps are described: (1) Interviews with patients, physicians and digital health experts to identify needs, requirements and potential barriers to the use of a digital tool for therapy support, (2) the conception and design of the prototype, iterative tests and adaptation of the prototype and (3) completion of the system for testing in a feasibility study. Finally, the design of the feasibility study is presented and we discuss in particular the aspect of individualization of electronic patient reported outcomes (ePROs) to improve personalized treatment.

Pre-registration and protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis on measurement-based care

This publication contains the protocol of the systematic review and meta-analysis, which, in addition to the user-centered design study (Wiegmann et al., 2023), serves to provide a scientific basis for Recovery Cat.
The aim of the systematic review and meta-analysis is to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the existing evidence for the use of measurement-based care (MBC) in patients with mental illness and to examine the effectiveness of MBC interventions in alleviating disorder-specific symptoms, reducing recurrent crises and improving recovery-oriented outcomes, global functioning and quality of life.

(Michnevich et al., 2024) JMIR mHealth and uHealth — Preprint

Results of the systematic review and meta-analysis of measurement-based care

This publication describes the results of the systematic review on measurement-based care, in which 2,314 publications were screened, 89 studies were included and eight could be quantitatively aggregated in a meta-analysis.
Positive effects on symptoms were shown in the treatment of manic episodes, schizophrenia and depression. Positive effects on empowerment and self-efficacy were also meta-analyzed. It was shown that more symptom queries per day had a negative impact on active use. The study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of applications such as Recovery Cat, particularly regarding the promotion of self-efficacy and empowerment.

(Wiegmann et al., 2024) Nervenheilkunde

Digital remote measurement-based care systems in the psychiatric care of people with severe mental illnesses

A narrative overview
In this article, we describe how Remote Measurement Based Care (RMBC) leverages digital technologies for the continuous collection and analysis of patient data to enhance psychiatric care. RMBC enables the regular assessment of symptoms, side effects, and activities, as well as the exchange of information between patients and clinicians, fostering patient engagement in the treatment of mental health conditions. This approach is compared to similar concepts such as psychotherapy feedback and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), with a focus on its applications in severe mental illnesses (SMI), as well as the opportunities and challenges of implementation.

(Machleid et al., 2024) Nervenheilkunde

Mobile health technologies for equitable care for mental illnesses

The article examines how mobile health technologies (mHealth) can enhance psychiatric-psychotherapeutic care in Germany, given the increasing prevalence of mental illnesses, geographical inequalities, and long waiting times. While mHealth has the potential to facilitate access to health services and promote health equity, there are concerns that it could exacerbate existing inequalities, particularly for socially disadvantaged groups. Through case studies, the article illustrates how social and digital disparities can influence the use and effectiveness of mHealth. It advocates for integrating ethical considerations and participatory design approaches in the development of mHealth technologies to ensure that digital solutions particularly benefit disadvantaged patient groups.

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Phone 030 23 32 398 70

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©2025 Recovery Cat GmbH

Recovery Cat is an official Spin-off from Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at Charité Campus Mitte​

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